
All posters are required to have a portrait orientation. Failure to follow this requirement will mean that the poster will not fit on the allotted board.
  • Posters must be A1 size in Portrait Orientation. (download template)
  • Posters should be clear and easy to read. Type size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read from 2-3 meters away. (Please use characters of minimum of 16pt font size for text and larger for titles). Do not reduce the text size in order to fit more information onto one poster.
  • Please try to avoid overload – too much information or a cluttered appearance detracts from the overall impact. Less is more!
  • The simple use of color can enhance a poster, but avoid the temptation to use too many colors.
  • Consider the use of suitable photographs, images, tables, charts and graphs.
  • Keep logos discrete and to a minimum.